LED Light Bulbs – Dispelling the Myths Part 2
As we continue our LED Myth Busting series, it is time to dispel some of the common LED myths.
Myth 2: LED lamps don’t have watts labeled on the packaging
This is actually true and false. Technically most LED lamps list the watt equivalent on their packaging but watts is no longer the right measuring stick for light bulbs. As technology has changed, so have labeling conventions. To understand what type of light bulb to purchase, you’ll need to know the difference between lumens vs. watts, and what those two measurements even mean for you.
Lumens measures how much light output comes from the lamp. Think of one lumen as the equivalent of one candle. Watts are used to describe energy consumption. Watts do not have anything to do with the light output of the bulb.
Wattage is becoming an outdated concept as light bulbs become more and more efficient. Since LED lights are relatively new, many people still see wattage as the most important factor when buying light bulbs. But since most consumers will be purchasing light bulbs based on the level of brightness, lumens is actually the measurement that will be the most helpful. For right now, the manufacturers of LED are placing both Lumens and Watts on the label but watts is no longer the measuring stick we should be using.
Landscape Lighting Systems have changed dramatically over the last 20 years with the many technological advances. If your lighting system was installed before 2005, it is likely to be either a mercury vapor or metal halide system. These are outdated and can be hard to find replacement parts. Or maybe you have a newer system that utilizes halogen lamps. Either way, there are huge benefits to converting/retrofitting your system outdoor lighting system to an LED system.
If you are still operating an old school landscape lighting system, Landscape Lighting Guru can retrofit or upgrade it to LED to bring your system up to date. The Guru specializes in taking out of date mercury vapor, metal halide and halogen systems and converting them to LED. For more information, give the guru a call at 210-710-7737 for a free consultation.
Missed our first one? LED Myth 1
Looking for the next one? LED Myth 3&4