Google does NOT know everything!

While google maps usually do a great job of getting you where you want to go, it still can leave you guessing at exactly which home you are supposed to find.  How many times have you had to search to find the house number when looking for someone’s home?  While your address is one of the most important features of our homes, it is often

Google does NOT know everything!2021-08-13T20:09:40+00:00

Mixed Tone Lighting

We recently completed a project on a beautiful home in the Dominion neighborhood.  The client was looking to add outdoor lighting to both their front and back yards and we are just in love with the results. We had the opportunity to use mixed tone LED lighting which is where warm LED lighting is used for some of the elements and cool LED lighting is

Mixed Tone Lighting2021-08-13T20:10:54+00:00

Spring Maintenance Tips

With the warmer weather soon to draw us outdoors again, now is the time to make sure your outdoor space is ready.  Your spring maintenance checklist should begin with checking the timer on your outdoor lighting system. With daylight savings time starting this week, the mornings are darker and the evenings are lighter so you want to adjust your outdoor lighting to reflect that change.

Spring Maintenance Tips2021-07-09T15:28:30+00:00

Lighting Maintenance due to Cold Weather

As the city of San Antonio continues to recover from the many issues created by the cold and snow last week, we know that the state of your outdoor lighting is not on the top of the priority list.  However, once homeowners have taken care of the big things, there are a few maintenance items to check on to ensure your outdoor lighting system is

Lighting Maintenance due to Cold Weather2021-05-02T18:52:09+00:00

Smart Home Lighting

Creating a smart home is a trend that here to stay and the costs have come down as more products have come to market.  Even if you haven't set out to create a smart home, many products you buy now come with the capabilities to be controlled by an app on your phone. Thinking of creating a smart home?  The first decision to make is

Smart Home Lighting2021-05-02T18:12:44+00:00

Outdoor Trends for 2021

Outdoor spaces have become even more important this past year with people spending a lot more time in their own backyards. This is a great article on the outdoor trends in design for 2021. ? "One of the best ways to decompress when the world is in disarray is with soothing lighting both inside and out"

Outdoor Trends for 20212021-08-13T20:12:41+00:00

How to find Quality Lighting

One of the things the Guru is great at is fixing other contractors’ mistakes.  We remove broken landscape lighting systems on a regular basis and replace them with new quality lighting systems that will last a lifetime. Just when we think we have seen it all, we stumble on another situation that boggles the mind. A poorly installed lighting system not only often needs to

How to find Quality Lighting2021-01-20T22:28:24+00:00

Playing it safe with Driveway Lights

  Driveway Lighting Navigating a long, winding drive to reach your home can be treacherous on a dark, moonless night.  Even a short driveway can be risky at night.  And backing up in the dark is just hard regardless of the size of your driveway! Your car lights only reach so far, and trees and other landscaping can also block your view or cast shadows

Playing it safe with Driveway Lights2021-01-14T22:53:21+00:00

Spend your holiday outdoors!

  The trend for 2020 has been to spend as much time outdoors as possible especially when socializing.  Here in San Antonio, we are fortunate to have mild winters allowing us to enjoy the outdoors a lot longer than most of the country.  So while your usual holiday traditions may usually take place inside, consider hosting your holiday gatherings outside this year! In past years,

Spend your holiday outdoors!2020-11-18T21:59:39+00:00

Landscape Lighting Before-After

Can you imagine what your home and property would look like with the addition of Landscape Lighting?  It can be hard to visualize what your home and property would look like with the addition of Landscape Lighting.   In our experience, our customers are usually blown away at the difference it makes, always exceeding their expectations at the improvements. Lighting before-after pictures can be helpful but

Landscape Lighting Before-After2021-01-14T22:47:25+00:00
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