Lightbulb Moment – save money with LED

Feeling overwhelmed at the thought of upgrading your lighting to LED?  Not sure where to start? The easiest way to start is to replace the incandescent bulbs in the five most often used fixtures in your home with LED.  According to the EPA, these energy star rated bulbs will save you about $75 in energy costs each year. If you want to take a current

Lightbulb Moment – save money with LED2017-01-19T20:44:14+00:00

REfurbish instead of REplace your outdoor lighting fixtures

Do your outdoor wall lights look worn out but you still like the design?  Instead of replacing them, you can reuse them.  Landscape Lighting Guru offers the service to rebuild and refurbish your fixtures. The sconces pictured here were old and worn but now they look brand new! We took them down; took them completely apart; sanded, cleaned, painted; converted to LED; and put them

REfurbish instead of REplace your outdoor lighting fixtures2017-01-19T20:45:47+00:00

The Lighting Revolution

Chicago is the most recent city to announce it will be changing almost all lighting in public spaces to LED.   Cities big and small are rolling out similar plans in an effort to save money and increase safety.  They also like the programming options that LED lights provide like the dim and brighten options.  LEDs have started a lighting revolution in the industry and

The Lighting Revolution2016-04-26T13:36:14+00:00

We do INSIDE too!

Did you know we are also your one-stop-shop for interior LED decisions?  Prices continue to drop on LED for the interior of your home. The big box stores continue to bring more and more LED options to their shelves but it can certainly be very confusing or down right overwhelming if you aren't in the lighting business. And the so called “vested experts” roaming the

We do INSIDE too!2015-11-13T19:57:45+00:00

We can save you money!

Converting an outdoor lighting system with LED lamps can recoup its cost in just two years! We are able to retrofit your system using your existing fixtures but replacing your current lamps with LED lamps. Did you know at current electricity pricing you pay as much as $90 per year per Mercury Vapor fixture in electricity more than you would with our new retrofit LED’s?

We can save you money!2015-11-13T20:27:42+00:00
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