Dark Sky Friendly Lighting

Have you ever gone outside at night and noticed that the sky was filled with a bright, white light?  Dark Sky friendly lighting refers to outdoor lighting fixtures that are designed to minimize light pollution and reduce glare. Let's take a closer look at what dark sky-compliant lighting is and why it's important. The goal of dark sky-compliant lighting is to reduce light pollution. Light

Dark Sky Friendly Lighting2023-11-14T14:09:18+00:00

Modern Dark Sky Compliant For The Canyons of Scenic Loop

Modern Dark Sky Compliant For The Canyons of Scenic Loop Did you know you can have permanent, modern-looking dark sky-compliant landscape lighting to enhance your beautiful home? Just went to a wonderful party at a multi-million dollar residence in the Canyons of Scenic Loop and was amazed at the beauty and quality of the homes in this amazing modern neighborhood.  I was so surprised that

Modern Dark Sky Compliant For The Canyons of Scenic Loop2022-12-27T20:45:51+00:00

Preserve the Night Sky with the Moon Light Effect

As we continue our Preserve the Night Sky series, our first key feature we want to discuss is one of our signature designs, the Moon Light Effect.  This is a method of lighting the landscape and the trees to cast beautiful shadows and light on the grass and the plants below, all the while grazing the textured bark of our live oak tree’s grand twisted

Preserve the Night Sky with the Moon Light Effect2022-12-14T20:41:11+00:00
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