Sprucing Up for Spring with Sculpture Lights

Expand the nighttime scene beyond typical pathway and house lighting for more depth, improved yard access, and security. Attraction Lights bollards establish a strong visual connection even when placed well apart in the yard. Consider a group of three bollards in three different heights as an attractive grouping to unify an area, illuminate, and expand views.
Add a beautiful lighted sculpture to a dull planting bed… now it’s a beautiful landscape focal point! Create a new view to enjoy inside the house from a picture window, year round. Don’t be timid… go with a tall bollard to attract attention beyond the glass!

They are very approachable and intriguing to contemplate at eye level (with no glare). These tall bollards stand out among plantings and create a great incentive to the garden night or day!
Create a special highlight for guests to enjoy along the front walk with a beautiful artistic light, and dramatic shadow patterns too! Welcome guests with something out of the ordinary before they reach the front door. Even a well placed small light will be memorable!
Are you looking for a special piece of art lighting to
add to your existing system? Or are you ready to look at some of those other dark areas now that they have seen what beautiful lighting can do? Give us a call 210-710-7737 or click here .