Helping our Environment and Giving Back to the Community

Categories: Community Service

green-recycling-iconHere at the Landscape Lighting Guru we see a lot of trash.  Most of it is in the form of cardboard that new fixtures and spools of wire come in.  But a lot of it is in the form of old fixtures and old wiring that has been removed to make room for new projects.  There is really no reason wiring should ever go bad, unless it was originally installed incorrectly.  But of course that’s the rub.  Most old systems that we remove are either very old Mercury Vapor or Incandescent systems, or they are lighting jobs that were done by home owners, or someone with just as little experience as home owners.  Most of the time when we find poorly installed connections this has allowed corrosion to inhibit the wire’s capabilities. It is less expensive for us to replace the wire than to try and fix every issue in old wire to make it work for new lighting.

Sorry for the digression.  You started reading this to understand how we try to be good stewards of our planet.  All of the people involved with the Guru have young children.  So without getting all hemp and Birkenstocks on you we would like to leave the planet as good as we can for the next generation.

We take all of our cardboard, plastic, and paper products to the local recycling center, and we turn in all of our removed fixtures, wire, and ballast boxes to a metal recycling center for pennies on the pound.  Well the pounds add up, so we decided to give 50% of that money back to our employees at the end of every year and give the other 50% to local charities.  Our 2015 charity is the Bulverde Food Pantry.  33145_bulverde-food-pantry_asq

So if you’re thinking about having us install new efficient LED lighting, just know that the old fixtures and wiring that don’t work anymore will not be headed to the landfill.  Even better they may help some less fortunate family eat a little better in the coming year.

For more information on the Bulverde Food Pantry, click here