Outdoor Lighting for Seniors
How Outdoor LED Lighting Can Help Create a Safer Home Environment for Seniors
Prevent falls for seniors and make your yard look great with the right kind of exterior lighting
Exterior lighting is just as important as an interior lighting design. Universally designed exterior lighting insures a smooth transition between indoors and out when the evening rolls in. Well-executed exterior lighting design also makes all the difference in transforming your entrance from run-of-the-mill to inviting and welcoming — and safe. This is especially important when it comes to growing older and taking care of needs of seniors.
According to data from the Centers for Disease Control, “Every second of every day, an older adult (age 65+) suffers a fall in the U.S.—making falls the leading cause of injury and injury death in this age group. One out of four older adults will fall each year in the United States, making falls a public health concern, particularly among the aging population.”
Outdoor light fixtures are vital for an elderly person’s eyes for secure footing. Light high traffic areas to promote safe mobility and reduce the likelihood of a fall. All entrances and exits should be bathed with enough light for the benefit of aging eyes. Other areas of outdoor space, such as stairs and walkways, also deserve attention, as these are the areas people navigate to get to the final destination — accident-free — to relax and rejuvenate. Steps need to be well-lit to avoid trips and slip-and-fall accidents. Illuminate steep inclines on a walking path or walkway so that a senior with limited eyesight can safely anticipate the incline and accurately judge the change in elevation.
It would be good to install a lighting system that automatically lights up when it gets dark to save the senior citizen from the trouble of remembering to switch them on. Having a digital timer control the lighting system will make sure the property is illuminated every evening. This will help empower seniors to venture into the great outdoors to exercise and to enjoy the fresh air and sounds of nature after dark.
These are just a few ways illuminating the outdoors with LED low-voltage landscape lighting systems can accommodate the needs of seniors while also increasing the curb appeal for your home after dark.