Customer Testimonial

Categories: Testimonials

We love hearing from our customers and appreciate it so much when they post a customer testimonial of us on social media!  We received these kind words from a recent project we completed.

“Darryl, thank you for the outstanding service and work! We will recommend Landscape Lighting Guru time and time again. Darryl came out and walked through in detail all the work that was to be done on our existing system. LLG updated our mercury vapor system with cool LEDs and the difference is amazing. Darryl also provided guidance on better placement of existing light in the backyard and we love the difference. Looking forward to future projects. Johnny and the install team were extremely professional. I was introduced to the entire team and reviewed the work order to ensure accuracy before they got started.” ~ Pete Blanco

Thank you so much for your business, kind words, and continued confidence in our company. Swapping from the old Mercury Vapor to LED will save you a ton of money on your electricity bills. Landscape Lighting Guru will be ready when its time for phase 2.

Are you interested in a landscape lighting but not sure where to start?  Give the Guru a call for a free consultation.  Landscape Lighting Guru is not only an installer of indoor and outdoor lighting but also a designer.  Not sure why that is important?  We liked this recent article published on 3 reasons to hire a lighting designer.  David Warfel, a contributor to Houzz  starts “Electricity is the source that makes light possible, but light can do so much more than just fill a room with lumens and watts. While electricians install lighting, lighting designers help to illuminate lives. Read on to discover how a lighting expert can highlight a designer’s vision, implement the latest lighting technologies and help improve your mood and safety.”