bistro lighting

How to Hang String Lights without Trees

Categories: Lighting Project

string lightsThere’s something about the glow of strings lights that can make even the most ordinary space feel magical. We have written about how to hang string lights before but this post is going to focus on how to hang string lights without trees.   When trees and roof lines are no longer needed to hang outdoor string lights , it opens up endless possibilities on the layout and placement.  You can add string lights to your deck, balcony, garden or all over the backyard!

The solution to hanging string lights without trees is to hang string lights using planters and wood posts.  The first step is to layout your design to determine how much of everything you need. We went into detail on different designs in our previous post but you can really set it up any way that works best for your space.  However, plan to place your planters no more than 10′ apart so that the lights don’t get too low.  The next step is to head to the hardware store to purchase your materials.  You will need planters, 2″x 2″x 8′ posts, concrete, hooks and cable ties from the hardware store – the amount of each will depend on your design.  This assumes you already have picked out the lights and determine how many feet you need based on your design.

string lights

To get started, screw one hook into each post approximately 8″ from the top.  Place one end of a 2” x 2” x 8’ post in each of the planters. Now add dry concrete mix to the planters going about half way up the pot (use your judgement on what is needed based on the size and shape of your pot).  Add water to the concrete mix according to the manufacturer’s instructions and stir with a stick until well combined.   Now comes the tricky part, you need place the post in the center of the bucket and keep it centered while the concrete dries.  This is easiest done by using painters tape across the top of the planter to hold the post in place.   Allow the concrete to harden according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

After the concrete has hardened, the fun begins!!  Now using the layout and design you have, set out the planters so that you can string the lights up to them but not more than 10′ apart.  Before you start stringing lights, find where you are going to plug them in.  Attach an outdoor-safe extension cord and plug into an outlet. Secure one end of the string lights to one of the cup hooks with cable ties.  Continue to string the lights between the posts until you have created your design.

This is the basics to hanging string lights without trees!  Want to dress up the look?  Consider painting or staining the posts (easiest done before you hang the lights on them!).  You can also add dirt and plants to the top of the planter after you hang the lights so you don’t see the concrete.  Looking to save some money?  You can always substitute a 5 gallon bucket for the planters.

Do you love the idea of string lights but it sounds like too much work for you?  Give us a call and we can help 210-710-7737!  Need more inspiration or more details than we have in these two posts?  Check out a great article featured on Houzz.